Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bail Makers

At the Austin Bead Society Feb meeting, the project of the month was making clasps and earwires with wire, something I'm very interested in although wire work eludes me sometimes.  To say I'm somewhat of a perfectionist is a little mild.  I was making things that were all wonky...yes, wonky, loops weren't consistent although to me it seemed like I was repeating the same steps...go figure.

Ok, so +Nora Pero , one of Bead Society's genius members, pulls out this tool and proceeds to show me the wonders and my mouth dropped in total awe and I had to rush out to purchase them immediately..with my 40% off coupon from Hobby Lobby mind you!...Tahhhhhdaaaahhhh 

It comes in three different sizes S, M, and L and you can get six..count them...six different size loops and each prong is a consistent diameter which is different from the standard round nose pliers.

Well I tried them for myself last night and one of the many uses I discovered was making jump rings.  Yes, I have a jump ring maker, but I can now also use these.   I can also use them to make loops.

 Of course I search youTube and found this awesome video that shows how to use the tool for their intended purpose.  Making bails!   So now you know, I'm going to go out and purchase the other two sizes.  LOL!

Enjoy the video.