Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Glues, glazes, fixatives...confused?  So am I!!  So how do you know what works well with the amazing pieces we design and create? 

As always, I gotta define things?  What is an Adhesive?  An adhesive is any substance that, when applied to the surfaces of materials, binds the surfaces together and resists separation.[1] The term "adhesive" may be used interchangeably with glue, cement, mucilage, or paste.[2]    

So now we are all clear (as mud, right?).   I found this awesome blog from Blue Door Beads that did such a wonderful job at explaining the differences and recommended instances for use with each kind, I know I need to keep this one in the hip pocket.

Me, personally, I've got about 3 tubes of GS-hypo cement and 2 tubes of E6000, a couple of bottles of glazes (Diamond); Mod Podge, some Aleen's .

Since getting into Resin, I've found out about a product called a fixative.  If you know me, you'll know I'm a literal person...So I went to Hobby Lobby, Michael's and JoAnn's...just to find some fixative (literally, I was looking for the can to say fixative).  Well none of them did, but they had Spray Adhesive, so I bought it.  I should have Googled first and then I'd know that they aren't quite the same thing...answer.yahoo.com says the consistency and hardness of the spray adhesive is not the same as a fixative therefore it can collect dust.

Wish I'd known then what I know now!!! Oh well...

Friday, May 31, 2013

EZ Bracelet Tool

Most of my sales come from clients (friends, family, etc) that don't live within what I am going to call relative commuting distance.  So it's very important that when I accept a custom order and the client requests a particular length bracelet, that I am able to deliver on my client's specification. 
Have I got the tool for you!!!!  The EZ Bracelet tool is awesome! You are so gonna get a kick out of this...up until last week, although I was using it, I wasn't using it correctly.  Thanks to all my friends at +Auntie's Bead Chat on FB they soon set me straight and I found out I wasn't so far off.

The EZ Bracelet sizer is a must for every jewelry maker. Made of heavy roller polished vinyl, it will last a long time. Lightweight and only 12" tall. Easy to use at your bench or take with you. Size your bracelets the right size and never have to resize them.
  • Make bracelets that fit the first time, every time!
  • No more re-stringing because it's the wrong size!
  • No more wasted beading wire!
  • No more wasted crimps!
  • No more wasted time!

I've included a youTube video for you to see how the tool works.
Happy Beading!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Memory Wire Bending Tool

On my jaunt last Saturday with a couple of my Jems, we stopped in at +Brazos Collection in Georgetown and I discovered this awesome tool...Memory Wire Bending Pliers.  The pliers have both a 2mm and a 4mm barrel;
comfort grip, Double leaf spring, box joint construction and are made of stainless steel.

As many of you know, when it comes to wire work, I'm somewhat challenged...I keep working on it, but yet still I'm challenged so I use as many tools as possible to help me gain some sort of consistency with my loops.

That's the advantage of the bending pliers...consistency.  Since I purchased the Bending pliers (for a mere $6 I might add), I've made a pair of Memory Wire earrings and I must say, the tool delivered and it was well worth my $6 investment.  What do you think?

It's one to think about!  If you're like me and have slight troubles with looping, I recommend the purchase.

Happy Beading!

Split ring pliers

Yesterday, I was put to the test...I was afforded the opportunity to play assistant at a Princess Bead Party at Lapis Lane Beads with +Jane Michael Stallings.  Let me tell you what an experience that was...LOL!!!  Anyway, after the little princesses had picked out their charms/beads and decided on their design, we had to add split rings to some of them so that they'd be oriented the right way.  Well, guess who got tasked to do this?  Yours truly!!!!!  Of course you know, I've avoided using split rings in any of my projects as I have the most difficult time getting them suckers open without destroying my nails.  So my instruction began in how to properly use them... watch this youTube video on how to use the split ring pliers.
Some other tips from +Jane Michael Stallings :
1.  After you've "split" the split ring with the tool, apply firm pressure to the "bent" side of the tool...this will allow you to open the ring a little bit more in order to insert the charm or bead.
2. Be careful with the loops on some of the charms so that you don't "mangle" them in an effort to attach them to split ring.
3. Last but not least, not every thing can be "fixed" with a split ring...you may need to practice a little wire work...
Happy Beading!!!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Beader's Triangle

Ok...you've finished your project and what a beautiful piece it is too...but now, your two colors of size 11/0 seed beads are all jumbled together...what's a beader to do?  this is where one of my favorite tools takes the spotlight. 

Simple? Yes!, I know...but such a Godsend. This aluminum Triangle Bead Sorting tray makes post project clean up a breeze. 
  • Pick up, sort, and pour beads
  • The triangle shape and angled edges allow you use these as clever little bead scoops to chase down errant beads.
  • Sort your beads into different trays while you're working. Bright aluminum lets you see your beads clearly.
  • When you're ready to put your beads away, pour them directly from any corner into small bags, tubes, or compartments.
  • So lightweight they are easy to pack along for beading on the go.
  • Made in India
  • Measurements: Sides are 3 1/4 inches long, edges are 1/4 inch high.

  • Available through most venues where you buy your beading materials.    Here's a link to one option..Beader's Triangle - Beadaholique

    Auntie's Beads offers an alternate option to the beader's triangle...the Bead scooper...Auntie's Beads Scoopeez whether you buy the triangle or the scopper it's a wonderful tool to have in the inventory. 

    Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Handy Dandy Hand Held vacuum

    Today's product being reviewed is the handy dandy Darice Craft vacuum...this battery-operated tool was a lifesaver tonight.

    While clearing my workspace in preparation for writing my first tutorial, I had an uh oh moment. Yup, that's right...a tube of 11/0 seed beads fell, opened and spilled all over my laminate flooring...what's a girl to do?

    Pull out the regular vacuum? Nope...too much power and you'll never recover your bead...the answer? The Darice Hand-held vacuum.

    This battery-operated tool did the trick. The vacuum has 2 filters...the first serves to direct the beads into the catch cup and the second to prevent dust and beads from flying into the tiny motor.

    Darice craft vacuum demonstration

    Thanks, Darice! You saved my bead life tonight.

    Thursday, February 28, 2013

    Bail Makers

    At the Austin Bead Society Feb meeting, the project of the month was making clasps and earwires with wire, something I'm very interested in although wire work eludes me sometimes.  To say I'm somewhat of a perfectionist is a little mild.  I was making things that were all wonky...yes, wonky, loops weren't consistent although to me it seemed like I was repeating the same steps...go figure.

    Ok, so +Nora Pero , one of Bead Society's genius members, pulls out this tool and proceeds to show me the wonders and my mouth dropped in total awe and I had to rush out to purchase them immediately..with my 40% off coupon from Hobby Lobby mind you!...Tahhhhhdaaaahhhh 

    It comes in three different sizes S, M, and L and you can get six..count them...six different size loops and each prong is a consistent diameter which is different from the standard round nose pliers.

    Well I tried them for myself last night and one of the many uses I discovered was making jump rings.  Yes, I have a jump ring maker, but I can now also use these.   I can also use them to make loops.

     Of course I search youTube and found this awesome video that shows how to use the tool for their intended purpose.  Making bails!   So now you know, I'm going to go out and purchase the other two sizes.  LOL!

    Enjoy the video.
